The Cappy Playground

Coca-Cola Bottling Albania, in collaboration with the Municipality of Tirana, for the fourth year in a row has organized various activities in the “Cappy Playground”, near the “New Maternity” throughout the summer season.

In the context of Coca-Cola Bottling Albania’s commitment to be an important local player that positively impacts the communities in which we operate as a system, in April 2016, CCBS decided to support the Municipality of Tirana in renovating the an abandoned place to turn it into a playground for teens and young people, with the aim of further fostering a culture of inclusion and active citizenship.

“We are proud to contribute to the development of this public area as well as being part of a project that highlights how community space can be transformed into a friendly place where people live and meet every day,” Mr. Luca Busi, President of CCBS. “This initiative would not have been possible without the vision and fruitful cooperation of the local administration,” Busi continued. “We are now looking forward to collaborating on other initiatives that can further improve the area by supporting the local neighborhood with community activities.”

A 1,215-square-foot space that includes 221 square feet of basketball court and 994 square feet of playground for teens and teens, including picnic tables, benches and garbage cans all built of high-quality materials. recycled.

Every Friday afternoon, during the summer months various games and activities such as Balloon Dart, Zumba, Taekwondo, Art Painting, Basketball etc. are held.

The beauty of the playground lies in the fact that attendance and attendance is free all year round.