CCBS continues its sustainability path by investing in the use of 100% recycled material for secondary packaging as well.
For 30 years, CCBS is the authorized partner for the production, packaging, sale and distribution of Coca-Cola products in Albania.
The company has an ambitious approach to sustainability, made of concrete milestones and long-term investments. The target that it has recently announced is to become Carbon Neutral by 2030, by identifying and planning the necessary actions
“Among the initiatives on the ground – CCBS President Luca Busi underlines – there is something new we are proud to share, as packaging evolution is fundamental for use, so converting secondary packaging (which includes packaging used for pallets) with 100% recycled plastic is the next investment. Currently, all plastic and aluminum packaging for our formats is already recyclable. Furthermore, we already use 100% recycled PET, rPET, for several of our products’ bottles. Now our focus will also extend to outer packaging, which is not in direct contact with the product but is necessary to handle it in the point of sale”
“We have presented our Roadmap to achieve Carbon Neutral by 2030 – continues CEO Luca Busi. – We will commit all our resources to achieving this goal according to this timeline, implementing actions with added value.”