The FIFA WORLD CUP™ Trophy Tour by COCA-COLA that arrived in Tirana on May 22, 2022, celebrating
the inclusive power of sport with the local football community, is leaving a legacy behind it.
As part of this activity, The Original FIFA World CUP™ came for the first time in Albania. In continuation
of this, and with the cooperation of AFA, Coca-Cola has supported through the Albanian Football
Association, the building of a sports field in the village SOS in Tirana.
The President of Coca-Cola Bottling Shqipëria, Luca Busi, and the President of the Albanian Football
Association, Armand Duka expressed enthusiasm for this project that offers an opportunity to
experience the unique emotions that only football can give and for the support they are giving to
generations by providing them with sports material.
“We are proud that the FIFA World CUP™ Trophy Tour by Coca-Cola brought the Original FIFA World
CUP™ Trophy for the first time to Albania, a country where Coca-Cola feels at home after almost three
decades of presence” – said Luca Busi, President of Coca-Cola Bottling Albania “We believe in the role of
sport for the inclusion of everyone and this project, for which we thank AFA, that allowed us to
provide a tangible contribution after this unforgettable moment of celebration”.
On the other hand, the head of the Albanian Football Association, Armand Duka, declared that the AFA
took care and invested in this project to ensure safe and accessible spaces for playing.
"FSHF is committed to enabling this activity with its funds or donations to invest in the playing field for
the SOS village where the project will be implemented. The full functionality of this field will be ensured
with the installation of the "shock layer pad", said Duka.
The arrival of the FIFA World CUP™ Trophy Tour by Coca-Cola marked therefore the opportunity for a
collaboration between Coca-Cola and AFA for a project based on social responsibility, which is an
example of the contribution that Coca-Cola has provided in the last years, like in the case of Tirana
Youth Capital initiatives, besides the social and economic impact of its long-term productive activity in
the country, that dates back to 1994.

About SOS Village
SOS Villages Albania is a non-governmental organization committed to ensuring that all individuals
hosted in the shelter have quality care as their basic right. Thanks to the support of international and
local partners, companies, and individuals who engage, everyone can lead a normal life. Inside the
complex, there is a nursery, garden, school, food, sports, entertainment, and youth courses providing as
such the adequate education.